Life at STM

Working Hours and Flexible Working

Working Hours

For our Ankara Offices GMT+3 09:00 - 18:00 on weekdays

For our İstanbul and Gölcük Offices GMT+3 08:00 - 17:00 on weekdays.

We believe in contributing to the efficiency of combining career life and private life flexibly, thus we implement “Flexible Working Hours” system in our company.

Stm Flex Hours

Stm Flex Hours

Fringe Benefits

Saglik Icon

Private Health Insurance
Employees are our strength, and their families are of our employees... Therefore, we apply private health insurance to cover the spouses and children as well as our employees.

Sigorta Icon

In addition to the absences defined in accordance with the Labor Law, there are 54 hours of casual leave or Master/Doctorate leaves. We also provide “Birthday Leave” to be used on birthdays and following weeks.

Ulasim Icon

We provide district bus or road assistance opportunities, depending on the offices.

Eat Icon

Depending on location, our offices have breakfast, lunch and overtime dinner or meal card application.

Motivation Programs

Trophy Employee Effectiveness Program (EEP)

Employees in our company can earn points under the Employee Effectiveness Program (EEP) because of their contribution to supporting corporate activities and professional development. We congratulate our team members who earned the most EEP points with the award ceremony that takes place every year.

Stm Okdullendirme Cep Logo



TrophyCorporate Involvement Award

We reward our employees who complete their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th years at the company with the award ceremony that takes place every year.

TrophyAward of Achievement/Appreciation

We thank our employees with various awards in order to reward their contributions to the processes, their roles, responsibilities and success.

TrophyInstant Feedback Award

In today's business life, where feedback is becoming more and more important, we congratulate our employees “Receiving the Most Instant Feedback” and “Providing the Most Instant Feedback” to further spread this culture and encourage the instant feedback system.


TrophyAward of Contribution to STM Brand Perception

We reward our employees who contribute to brand perception by representing STM with the activities they carry out at the national and/or international level.


Stm Cim Logo


ERM (Employee Relations and Motivation) Team:

Taking off with the mottoes "We Can Do Together!" and "Who Knows Us Better Than Us?", the members of the ERM Team volunteer, motivated and proactive representatives of different departments. Adding value to our company with its social skills as well as its professional ones, ERM Team continues to implement the ideas and suggestions of the employees every day. 


Communication and Motivation Activities

Communication and Motivation Meetings: In order to increase the motivation, communication and loyalty of our employees and to come together, we organise educational, teamwork-supportive and motivational activities in and out of the city.

Stm Calisan Iliskileri1



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