STM, one of the leading companies in the Turkish defence sector, will be exhibiting its naval platforms and tactical mini UAV systems at DSA-2024. STM supplies NATO's second largest army, the Turkish Armed Forces, as well as the navies of friendly and allied nations with state-of-the-art warships.
STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş., having played a key role in the significant progress seen in the field of defence in the past couple of years in Türkiye, offers critical solutions in such areas as naval platforms, tactical mini-UAV systems (loitering munitions) and cyber security.
Under the leadership of the Turkish Presidency of Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB), STM continues to meet domestic needs and to export its accumulated experience to friendly and allied nations through cooperation and technology transfer agreements.
Ada Class Corvette
STM will be displaying mock-ups of Türkiye's first national corvette project – the Ada Class MILGEM, Türkiye's first national frigate the İstif (I) Class Frigate, STM-MPAC Multi Purpose Attack Craft, the Coast Guard Ship CG-3100 and will be presenting its STM500, a small-sized submarine designed using national resources to the participants.
From among STM’s tactical mini UAV systems, Türkiye’s first national attack UAV, Combat Proven Rotary Wing Loitering Munition System KARGU, the ammunition drop UAV BOYGA, will be on display at the STM booth.
“We want to be the solution partner of Malaysia in the seas”
Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM, said:
““The Turkish defense industry has been achieving significant successes in the international arena, and STM plays an important role in this story. We develop innovative and modern technologies with our qualified human resources. We also transfer our capabilities to the Turkish Armed Forces as well as to countries on different continents.
We want to be the solution partner of Malaysia in the seas. With our experience in MİLGEM and I Class Frigates we have built in Türkiye, and international projects (G2G) in Ukraine and Pakistan, we believe that we will sign important partnerships in the Asia Pacific.
Our intention is not only to showcase our products to the Asia-Pacific region, as we are also seeking to establish new collaborations in the market with a focus on the naval platform segment. We continue to express our willingness to transfer technologies to the region, and to Malaysia in particular, with a view to establishing projects that will develop domestic industries and the region as a whole, thus contributing to the long friendly alliance and friendship of Türkiye and Malaysia.”
STM DSA-2024 Stand Information:
Hall No: 2 Booth No: 2100M
Date: 06-09 May 2024
Venue: MITEC / Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia